He suspects nothing

He suspects nothing

Mickey isn't actually very interested in cockatoos, on account of how large and alarming they are. When he startles them and they blast off to the safety of a nearby tree, he often seems as surprised as them.

That doesn't mean they don't feel the need to keep a careful eye on him, though.

(Previously. All bird posts.)

3 Responses to “He suspects nothing”

  1. JoeyLemur Says:

    It occurs to me... Hitchcock could've made a much more terrifying film if he set 'The Birds' in Oz...

  2. Bastard Child Says:

    Love your pics of the sulphur's, Dan

    Had my pet of 25 years stuffed because I couldn't part with her :'(

  3. Rob L Says:

    Having previous close acquaintance with a Cocky I suspect the're thinking "Mmmmmmm Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat"

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