It is possible that you do not, as a matter of course, have at least fifty cockatoos turn up in your back yard for a feed every afternoon.
If you do, I advise you to, as I do, purchase your bird seed in 25-kilo sacks, and not attempt to feed the cockatoos with a supermarket seed bell.
Those don't last.
(Available in HD!)
The loud scrapey-thud noises happen every time a 900-gram bird uses the microphone on top of the camera as a perch.
Extension of this behaviour brought the video-shooting to a halt when only about half of the seed bell was gone. But, as I said, you get the idea.
(I know it's not good to give them a small source of food so they fight over it. The regular seed I spread on the table, and on the deck itself, which greatly reduces the Skesis act.)
20 May 2012 at 6:22 am
Gorgeous and voracious. As the owner of a Quaker parrot I fully support the feeding of birds and videotaping same.
11 June 2012 at 7:36 pm
One wonders what effect this bottomless food source is having on your local ecology... and can you harvest the guano, or is it still regulated as vital military supplies?