In their defence, it IS pretty obvious

I do enjoy dousing the bubbly enthusiasm of a fresh-faced PR girl with a big smelly bucket of fish-water.

She said:

My name is Kristin, and I'm contacting you on behalf of Duracell to share some information about a new product, the Duracell Pre-Charged Rechargeable Battery. Knowing your interest in gadgets and technology, I'd love to send you a package to try out. Would you be interested in testing them yourself, and sharing your thoughts with your readers over the next week or so?

For more information, feel free to check out their new website, Museum of the Obvious. Museum of the Obvious is an interactive Web site which allows consumers to play games, watch videos and interact with displays and exhibits about obvious inventions, such as sliced bread, a football helmet, the oven mitt, and of course, a Duracell Pre-Charged Rechargeable Battery. Additionally, Duracell has created the following videos to raise awareness of the product:

If you are interested in receiving samples and more information, please let me know!

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.


In response to which, I said:

> My name is Kristin, and I'm contacting you on behalf of
> Duracell to share some information about a new product

No you're not :-).

Low self-discharge NiMH cells have been on sale since late 2005. The Duracell-branded ones are made by Sanyo, right?

> Would you be interested in testing them yourself, and
> sharing your thoughts with your readers

"Hey, readers! You can buy Eneloops with a Duracell label on them now! Hurrah!" :-)

Strangely enough, Kristin has not yet responded.

So I may have to pay for my next pack of AAs.

3 Responses to “In their defence, it IS pretty obvious”

  1. Jax184 Says:

    You know, it might have been wise to bring this rather interesting fact up After some batteries were heading your way. I for one can never have enough AAs. My old metal detector alone uses 14 of them at a time.

    Feel like letting Kristin know that I too like gadgets and technology?

  2. Daniel Rutter Says:

    Writing a review takes enough of my time (and my annoying ads make little enough money, per review) that I feel one pack of Sanyo/Duracell rechargeable AAs is not entirely adequate compensation.

  3. loseweightslow Says:

    Kristin is probably just a middle aged guy who surfed the web for a week to develop a targeted spam list.
    He doesnt care if you didnt fall for his lies. Thats the point of spamming, you dont care if someone doesnt fall for it, you only care that there are ones that do.

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