Hey presto, an old fuel saver is new again!

Remember the Moletech, or possibly MTECH, Fuel Saver?

Pretty much your standard magical catalyst-or-something, it got pimped by the Sydney Morning Herald, and those guys who say every hokey fuel saver in the world works said it works too. And then the Herald article disappeared in a way that basically said THIS ARTICLE HAS DISAPPEARED IN A SUSPICIOUS WAY, even as the Australian Government department that was alleged to be testing the device told me they'd never heard of it.

And then the Herald covered their tracks with the professionalism of a small child attempting to rearrange eight cupcakes to conceal the fact that there used to be twelve cupcakes.

(If Asher Moses wants me to ever forget he wrote that piece, and more importantly that he or one of his Herald workmates then stumbled around incompetently trying to pretend the article never existed instead of just saying "whoops, sorry" like a sensible person, he's going to have to kill me. It would appear that Twitter and the SMH actually are a bit similar, dude.)

Aaaaanyway, rejoice, for the Moletech-or-whatever fuel saver still stands ready to relieve you of a few hundred bucks while for-a-certainty paying for itself really really soon with amazing mileage gains. Entirely according to the usual script for BS molecular-magic fuel savers, the Moletech people have opened new marketing vistas and evaded any disappointing online commentary from clearly crazy people who suggest their product might not work by changing the product's name, to "Greentech".

Any doubts you may have about this clearly-unassociated-with-that-Moletech-thing-that-didn't-work product are sure to be dispelled by the new Greentech Web site, whose FAQ page currently contains the following hard evidence:

Q: How does it work?
A: Immediately effect will be observed as soon as the contact between the fuel and Greentech Molecule Enhancer was established.

The Greentech doodad comes in two parts, too, one for the fuel and one for the air intake. I think the Moletech gadget only had one. This makes all the difference, I'm sure.

On the somewhat less... slender... "Main Functions" page, the Greentech people explain that their product does all of the things that magic quantum magnetic moonbeam fuel-saving devices are always claimed to do (plus, oddly, apparently the magical removal of pollen and tobacco smoke and other such things that human beings do not like breathing from the air going into the engine, even though an engine doesn't give two slim shits about whether a bit of pollen made it through the air filter).

How is the Greentech thingy meant to do this?

Why, by reducing Van der Waals forces between fuel molecules, of course! A Canadian distributor rabbits on about this at greater length.

This, as usual, would be either study-of-physics-revolutionising instant-Nobel-prize material, or cause a slow but inevitably apocalyptic unravelling of the very fabric of the planet, depending on whether your view of fuel-saver-company quantum flapdoodle tends more towards the Larry Niven/Iain M. Banks or Peter Watts/J. G. Ballard ends of the sci-fi spectrum.

If it didn't kill us all by next year and actually did what they claim - more power, less fuel consumption, lower exhaust emissions, just like all the rest - then the Greentech doodad would, yet again, be a zillion-dollar product for sale to every maker of internal combustion engines, not something sold to end-users on the Internet.

The Greentech people are proud that they've been selling this thing for more than a decade now, but in all that time they've neither inked monster contracts with Toyota and General Motors, nor been erased by the conspiracy that's the only thing that could possibly have stopped them from doing so.

The abovementioned Canadian distributor hoped for a Sydney-Morning-Herald-like response to their product from Wheels.ca.

They didn't get it.

4 Responses to “Hey presto, an old fuel saver is new again!”

  1. evilspoons Says:

    I particularly enjoy how the Canadian site has a test report that says "Fuel up the oil" and then, best, "Car model: Germany Vehicle(Benz) 2400 CC".

  2. CareGreen Says:

    I am the distributor for Canada/USA and Caribbean.

    So I would add my two cents worth here as it obviously pertains to my direct business.

    First of all, I got on board with this product just earlier this year. In regards to the Australian incident this author is referring to. it was before my time on this product. What i do know is the previous worldwide distributor of the product was from Australia and he had some issues with the patent holders of the product and tried to get the patent rights. That is all I will say about that subject on a public forum.

    I understand everyones reluctance to beleive anything like this works. There have been too many devices on the market claiming fuel savings and they did not live up to their hype.

    Before I accepted this poduct, i tested it myself on various vehicles and each one passed. From a regular gas car, to a daily use delivery van to a diesel bus. Each one passed and the product did what i said it was going to do.

    so this is what i know. Rather than making any judgement, i tried the product before making any statements about the product.

    As far as the wheels.ca article. All i ask is for anyone to testit. This journalist did not test it, he decided to write an article without testing it.

    In closing, i offer a 100% guarantee on the product. If it does not save you money on your fuel, i will return 100% of the cost of the unit. All you have to do it fill out our fuel saver fuel log and submit it with your gas reciepts. The fuel log can be found on our web site caregreen . ca.

    anyone is free to contact me to discuss or who wants to actually try one and then write from facts, not fiction.

    as a side note, very large transaportation companies have already tested the product and they are in use. Perhaps this author knows more than these companies (who tested the product first before pruchasing for their fleets) or he knows more than I do.

    All i know is the product does what it says it does based on my tests and the numerous clients who have also tested it.

    If anyone wants to try it, I 100% guarantee it to work as I have not seen it fail a test yet.

    • dan Says:

      Since I put up this post, the wheels.ca site has rearranged itself or deleted old articles or something, and the link http://www.wheels.ca/article/806925 just redirects to their home page. The article does not seem to survive anywhere on the Web, including archive.org. If you only now followed that link, I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that the article currently top on the wheels.ca home page had anything to do with the device you're selling.

      Also, please note that you cannot test a device like this by just installing it and then driving around. You have to do proper, controlled drive-cycle tests. If you don't do controlled tests, you will tend to see what you want to see, whether you're selling or buying the devices. This has happened over and over and over and over; most sellers of magic car gadgets have had plenty of satisfied customers.

      Doesn't it seem a little odd to you that these dozens, if not hundreds, of other allegedly magical fuel-economy et cetera devices and potions all also, allegedly, have been tested and found to work, and have had lots of satisfied customers? Why not install ALL of these things, if they're all so great? What's special about yours?

      If you've done proper tests and found the device works, why are you still piddling around selling individual items to individual motorists? Take your test results to bigger and bigger clients - small businesses, repair shops, industrial engine users, racing teams, corporate fleet managers, eventually actual car manufacturers, the accumulating evidence from each step being used to help persuade the next step up. And then, enjoy becoming one of the world's richest people.

      You should already be on that road, right, since you say "very large transportation companies have already tested the product and they are in use"? (This claim is pretty much de rigeur for miracle-fuel-saver sellers, but like you, they seem strangely reticent to NAME these large and satisfied clients. Could you please tell me who these companies are?)

      And, once again, why do you suppose the people who actually make these things, dozens if not hundreds of them over the years, have never followed the above-described road to hundreds of billions of dollars a year?

      (And, I repeat, an absolute ironclad certainty of becoming one of the most famous physicists of all time, if anything at all like the alleged means of operation of the devices is actually happening.)

      Well, perhaps it's because there's a Great Conspiracy that stops them from making it to the big time, but somehow doesn't stop them selling individual items on the retail market.

      Or perhaps it's because these damn things do not work.

  3. genesisced Says:

    Hi guys,

    Before I start, I must first emphasise that I do not market this device and like all others, I too was very skeptical.

    I installed this device on our 2005 Toyota Avalon 3.0 litre (which we have owned since 2010) with very positive results. For the the last 30 years, I have kept log books on any cars I have owned. When I fill up with fuel I write down the date, $ value of fuel, quantity of fuel, trip meter kms and odometer kms. I also note parts replaced and servicing. I fill up until a trickle of fuel comes out. The Avalon previously used 11.3 to 11.9 L/100km. I fitted this device in August 2015 but only had about 4 fills until February 2016 when we started using the car regularly. The lowest consumption we've had has been 10.07L/100km and the maximum was 10.79L/100km. Average is 10.4, so a sigificant improvement.

    This device was given to me free to test as I've kept strict log books on all cars I've owned. Driving condition are pretty constant where we live. I am so impressed that I have now purchased one and fitted it to my 1996 Corolla last weekend. Owned this car since 2009 and both cars are in excellent condition, body, int and mechanicaly.

    I will monitor this over the next 3 months and will give you honest and reliable feedback on the fuel consumption.

    In closing, I will say that the tyre pressures on all our cars are set to 41psi since we owned them with no problems and tyres are in excellent condition. We also drive very carefully being mindful of the real cost of being mechanically unsympathetic.

    Please feel free to ask me for further details.


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